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Benefits of Equine Wellness

The enrichment and wellness of your employees have never been more important...

Gavin and Ashling, founders of Equine Wellness Ireland, would like to bring the benefits of equine therapy to your workplace.

Bringing Wellness to Your Workplace...

Equine energy has a scientifically proven ability to reduce stress levels – while promoting feelings of wellness. This scientific phenomenon happens when the electromagnetic field of the horse's "coherent heart pattern" exacts a positive influence on our own heartbeat. 

An immersive experience, comprising 20 to 30 minutes in our wellness programme, brings optimal feelings of well-being while promoting emotional states of calm. The result? An ability to negotiate stressful scenarios more efficiently.


Some of the physiological and psychological benefits research has found include:
• Regulation of emotion

• Rebalancing of our nervous system
• Decreased patterns of tension, anxiety, and hostility

• Increased innovation and self-motivation, allowing your employee to return to the workplace in an enhanced state of readiness for work!


By bringing this immersive nature experience to your door, we can help corporate Ireland to “just breathe“...


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